Comparison With Other Libraries

Comparison with other libraries

You’re here because you want to know if Material-UI can solve your specific problems better. That’s what we hope to answer for you here.

This is definitely one of the most challenging pages in the guide to write, but we do feel it’s important. Odds are, you’ve had problems you tried to solve and you’ve used another library to solve them.

We’d like your help keeping this document up-to-date because the JavaScript world moves fast! If you notice an inaccuracy or something that doesn’t seem quite right, please let us know by opening an issue.

We cover the following libraries:


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We'll try very hard to avoid bias, although as the core team, we obviously like Material-UI a lot ❤️. There are some problems we think it solves better than anything else out there; if we didn’t believe that, we wouldn’t be working on it 😄.

We do want to be fair and accurate though, so where other libraries offer significant advantages we try to list these as well.

Material Design Lite (MDL)

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Material Design Lite, while a very well-thought-out Material Design implementation, was primarily maintained by Developer Relations at Google. Today, the project is no longer maintained. So what happened?

The Material Components Web team started out building MDC-web as "MDL v2", but, after collaborating on it for a few months, both teams felt it best to bring the project under the Material Design team's purview. This shift meant a re-orientation of goals away from simply "adding a Material Design look and feel" to websites, and towards the goal of a canonical Material Design implementation for the entire web platform.

Material Components Web (MDC-web)

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We are very happy to see this project supported by Google and its design team. It sends a clear signal that the Material Design specification is here to stay, as they continue to invest in it.

Frameworks and libraries

Material-UI focuses exclusively on the React library, although, given that Preact supports the very same API, we hope to soon support it too. Supporting one framework allows us to do less but do it better.

This comes in different flavors:

  • Having fewer constraints, we can make trade-offs specific to our target framework. We have fewer edge-cases to take into account.
  • We can spend more time on nailing the React use case.

MDC-web was designed from the ground up to be fully compatible with 3rd party JS frameworks and libraries. They list 3rd-party framework integration projects in the github README

Styling solution

Material-UI carries a heavy legacy with styles. Our very first release was using LESS, but seeing the limitation of this solution, we quickly started looking into alternatives. Our first migration was towards using an inline-style solution. This was promising:

  • It allowed us to remove the dependency on the LESS toolchain for our users. We removed one important friction in the installation process. (simpler)
  • We were able to change the theme at runtime, nest different themes, and have dynamic styles. (more powerful)
  • We reduced the loading time by breaking the big monolithic CSS file in order to enable code splitting. (faster)
  • The style override story became more intuitive, as we were free of CSS specificity issues. (simpler)

Eventually, we reached the limitations of inline-styles and moved toward a CSS-in-JS solution. This transition was made without losing the enhancements the first migration introduced 💅. We strongly think that CSS-in-JS is the future of the web platform. You can learn more about our new styling solution in the documentation.

MDC-web relies on SCSS as Bootstrap v4. The SCSS architecture is pretty close to LESS - a technology we replaced for its limitations.

The vision

Our vision is to provide an elegant implementation of the Material Design guidelines and more.

The Material Design guidelines are an incredible starting point, but they do not provide guidance on all aspects or needs of an application. In addition to the guideline-specific implementation, we want Material-UI to become whatever is generally useful for application development, all in the spirit of the Material Design guidelines.

*[An extract taken from the vision section of the documentation.]*

We want to see businesses succeeding in taking advantage of Material-UI to ship an awesome UI to their users while having it match their brand, so we have invested a lot in the customization capabilities of Material-UI.

The only goal of MDC-Web is to be a Material Design implementation for the web platform. Nothing more, nothing less. They will not consider making changes to the components - especially UX changes - that would facilitate additional flexibility at the cost of breaking with the core Material Design system, as that is a non-goal of the project. *source*


Both projects invest a lot in tests. At the time of writing, both projects have over 99% test coverage:

  • Material-UI has 1200+ unit tests running on Chrome 49, Firefox 45, Safari 10 and Edge 14.
  • MDC-web has 1200+ unit tests running on all the major browsers.

Still, there is one thing that sets Material-UI apart and it's key: We have hundreds of visual regression tests when MDC-web doesn't have any. With visual regression tests, you don't have to make any trade-off:

  • You can spend less time making sure every contribution doesn't introduce unexpected regressions. The less time you spend on a single contribution, the more contributions you can accept.
  • You can merge new contributions without digging much. Effectively, you are not waiting for users to report regressions. It's efficient and improves the library quality.


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Browser support

Materialize supports a wider range of browsers than Material-UI does, for instance, they support IE 10 while we only support IE 11. Only supporting IE 11 allows us to take full advantage of the flexbox layout. IE 10 has many issues with flexbox.

Styling solution

Materialize uses SCSS, a styling architecture Material-UI moved away from 2 years ago. We explain why in the MDC-web section above.

React Toolbox

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Styling solution

While both React Toolbox and Material-UI are betting on CSS-in-JS, we have taken a different trade-off. Material-UI has chosen JSS while React Toolbox started rewriting their library with styled-components. We picked JSS over styled-components for the following reason:

  • JSS exposes a low-level API:
    • We are free to model it to our unique needs, which has allowed us to build one of the most advanced override and theming mechanism.
    • It's not coupled to React like styled-components is. It has the potential to reach any 3rd party JS frameworks and libraries. The parallels can be made with SCSS. SCSS is compatible with any JavaScript frameworks and libraries, helping it to get traction in the community.
  • JSS is two times faster to mount components than styled-components is, with all the optimization turned on.

This is not to say that Material-UI is opinionated about how users write their styles. You can use styled-components if you would like to do so.